Letter to Editor - Hey Google

Geneseo Republic

Hey Google! How often do you find yourself saying those two words seeking the answer to a question. What did we ever do before September 4 1998 when Google was founded? Incidentally I found Google's founding date on Google! Maybe we looked it up in a book such as an encyclopedia or dictionary. Or we asked a friend or family member. For Easter, I made a cake which called for egg whites, leaving behind three yolks. Not wanting to waste them, I sought Google's help to look up a good use for them. An immediate response showed me a cookie recipe using a half dozen yolks. I had just three so I cut down the recipe by half. I improvised the standard rolling the dough into balls to make one big cookie into which I pressed pastel colored carmal M and M candies. Who knew? Google did of course! Thanks for reading, He is risen indeed!

Oh and go Cubs!

Respectfully submitted by Jerry Reedy